Course Description
AWC 2: Healing Practices of Ayurveda will introduce the powerful and natural methods used by Ayurveda wellness counselors in their work and in self-care. These coveted methods are considered routine lifestyle practices in yogic and Ayurvedic life. The efficacy of these methods lay in making them authentic, ie customized, to the individual’s unique constitution (prakriti) and condition (vikriti). Here we will focus on the healing modalities that are shared between the Ayurveda wellness counselor and client. These include lifestyle counseling, Ayurvedic nutrition, Ayurvedic herbology, the use of culinary spices, topical oil therapies, rejuvenation techniques, subtle therapies, and customized Ayurveda cleanses for each client. Each of these methods will be taught again at more advanced levels in Level 2, but we introduce you to them early so that you may begin to integrate them into your life and into the life of your family throughout your educational journey. These are the tools of our healing work.
Covered Topics
• Lifestyle: Addressing the Nidan, Moving Towards our Nature
• Assessing Mental Prakriti and Vikriti
• Ayurvedic and Yogic Nutrition: Foods as Medicine
• Healing with Spices
• Dosha Balancing Teas
• Herbology: Common Herbs, Culinary Spices, and Formulas
• Rasayana: Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging
• Thailam: Medicated and Essential Oils for Internal and Topical Use
• Topical Therapies: Abhyanga, Lepa, Ointments
• Ayurvedic and Yogic Fasting / Cleansing: Custom Kitchari Cleanses
• Swasthavritta Daily Routines: Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Ratricharya, and Ritusandhi
• Women’s Health, Yoga and Ayurveda
• Asana for Prakriti Types and as Ayurvedic Therapy
• Joint Health in Yoga and Ayurveda
• Subtle Therapies: Pranayam, Meditation, and Mantra Therapies
Faculty Instructors
James Bailey, DASc, AD, LAc, E-RYT inspires an awakening to authenticity as the highest expression of faith in oneself on the path of yoga and healing. His teaching are eclectic and entertainingly provocative. He is sought out by yoga schools for his vast knowledge in traditional eastern teachings and modalities and the ability to bridge them to modern day living and individual healing. James is a third generation physician, Ayurveda and Oriental Medicine practitioner, Ayurveda and Yoga educator, and Yoga teacher trainer who has been living Yoga and Ayurveda for 30 years. His training includes 5 years (4000+ hours) of formal clinical studies in Oriental Medicine and training in Ayurveda under such luminary teachers as Dr. Vaijayanti Apte, Dr. Subash Ranade, Dr. Avinash Lele, Dr. Vasant Lad, and many Ayurvedic doctors and therapists in Kerala, south India where he spends time teaching and studying while on retreat. He heads Sevanti Institute and it’s signature Ayurveda Wellness Counselor Program (AWCP), and leads retreats to India each February with his Sevanti Adventures.