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Program Admissions


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Student Admissions

All students must be a minimum of 18 years of age

Be capable of fully participating in the program for which you are applying

Contribute to the spirit of the learning environment, ie, ask questions, contribute to the dialogue, study, do your homework, and keep up with course momentum

Honor the financial obligations of the program

Equal Opportunity

All admissions are considered equally without regard to gender, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, nationality, or religious belief. The traditional teachings of Ayurveda are inclusive both in view and practice. Modern practices of Ayurveda must be held to an even higher standard of inclusiveness as Ayurveda spreads to new worlds with varying cultures, diets, and religious beliefs. Ayurveda recognizes the beauty of diversity and is both fluid and rigorous enough to be applied across all boundaries. Sevanti Institute and our RYS partners strive to create a more diverse student group in our programs. We hope everyone interested in the teachings of Ayurveda will feel at home here.

Admissions Minimum
and Limit

Sevanti Institute live programs (in classroom and live webinar) require a minimum of 10 students per training program. Check with the RYS Yoga School partner to see if your training has met this minimum. Registration is limited to twenty students per program, offering a personal and supportive educational environment.