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Sevanti Institute

Sevanti Institute offers online Ayurveda education from the comfort of home. Explore our courses for self and family wellness and deeper life insights, or train to practice as a professional Ayurveda Counselor. Join us as a drop-in student (everyone is welcome) or for NAMA PACE or Yoga Alliance CE credits. Choose live webinar events or stream course recordings at your own pace. Learn from our world-renowned faculty of Ayurveda instructors from the comfort of home. We also offer Online Partnerships with Yoga Schools to bring our Ayurveda Foundation Program to your community. Our interactive style of teaching the art of Ayurveda wellness is intuitive, cost-effective, professionally presented, and fun.

How Do I Get Started?

Ayurveda Foundation Program

Workshops are open to everyone! Learn the wisdom of Ayurveda for self-care, family, and friends. Offered online here and through our yoga school partnerships.

68 hrs

Ayurveda Immersion Program

Go deeper into the living wisdom and practice of Ayurveda with over a dozen of the most talented teachers in the US. Few schools will match the quality of these mentors.

510 hrs

Clinical Supervision Program

Professional training. Group and individual clinical supervision, plus our faculty practicum series, final exam case report, and preparation for professional-level counseling.

170 hrs

Live Webinar Based

Study from home via monthly live webinars. All courses are offered over Zoom videoconferencing. Missed courses may be streamed from our course video library.

Stream From Our Course
Video Library

Miss a day or a full course? Stream our course video library to stay caught up. NAMA PACE and Yoga Alliance accept our online course videos for continuing education credits. Study at your own pace.

Experience Ayurveda
in India

Join us to Kerala, South India to experience the richest Ayurveda traditions in the world. Includes a Post Retreat Tour to North India. Offered each February.

Join upcoming AWCP programs.

For self care, family wellness, or professional level trainings.

What is an Ayurveda

Who We Are

An Ayurveda Counselor, or Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, is a counselor practitioner level of the Ayurvedic healing arts that focuses on correcting false views about nature, the nature of the individual, and how these views affect the way we live, nourish, and care for ourselves.

What We Do

Rather than managing disease directly, the AWC serves as a guide to wellness, to healthy lifestyles, and healthy personalized diets. The AWC is trained to assess both the doshic constitution (prakriti) as well as the nature of imbalances (vikriti) presented from the Ayurvedic perspective. We utilize Ayurvedic nutrition, herbology, and lifestyle counseling to restore balance to our clients.

How We Do It

By inspiring an authentic form of living Ayurveda that is personalized to the individual’s unique bodymind constitution (prakriti), life story, and healing journey. We offer a unique path to the highest form of knowledge, self knowledge (vidya), as the guiding force to an enlightened self care.

Be Inspired by a Living Ayurveda

The most inspiring way to learn Ayurveda is online from the comfort of home. The most inspiring way to practice Ayurveda is true to you, and true to your clients. Whether you’re a beginner or not, join us on this journey into your own nature and the nature of others. For self-healing, for family, for the community. Go deep, heal, and grow from this powerful immersion into the ancient Ayurveda wisdom of life.

How Do I Become
an Ayurveda Wellness


Complete the Ayurveda Foundation Program | 68 hrs

The Ayurveda Foundation Program will expose you to the fundamentals teachings of Ayurveda for self-care. You will learn about your nature and begin the personalized journey of a living Ayurveda. You will learn the basics of the doshas, Ayurveda anatomy, physiology, pathology, Ayurveda nutrition, tongue reading, and more.

Complete Ayurveda Immersion Program | 510 hrs

The Ayurveda Immersion Program will deepen the knowledge presented in the Foundations Program and sharpen the skills you'll need to assess constitution (prakriti) and imbalances (vikriti). Seventeen weekend courses will take the fundamentals to new lucid depths.

Complete the Clinical Supervision Program | 170 hrs

The Clinical Supervision Program provides group and individual clinical supervision of real patient encounters, our unique Faculty Practicum Series, a final case report with supervision, and more.

Guide Others with the Wisdom of Ayurveda

In Yoga and Ayurveda, a false view of ourselves (avidya) is the most common source of suffering, while an accurate view (vidya) can heal, uplift, and evolve us on the journey through life. Our work as Ayurveda Counselors is to rectify these false views and replace them with profound self-knowledge.

Ayurveda provides such an accurate view of life that it is known as the Wisdom of Life.

Go and transform the untrue to the true, the unknown to the known, and support others as you guide them to their true nature. If you want to treat symptoms, become a doctor. If you want to heal people, become a sage.

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and Events

Stay up to date on our recent programs and news from the Ayurveda community