Certificate of Completion
Pursuing certification is not required to enroll in the Ayurveda Foundation Program or Ayurveda Immersion Program. Students seeking continued education credits may request a Certificate of Completion (CoC) for any course they complete. CoCs are available on a course-by-course basis. To earn a CoC, students must complete the following. Full program certification may require full enrollment.
Drop-in Courses
Instruction: 17 hrs per course
Requirements: Complete any individual course (AWC 1-18, or 25) and pass the online exam. Students have the option to enroll in the live webinar or stream the course video at their own pace.
Ayurveda Foundation Program
Instruction: 51 hrs
Requirements: Complete all course modules AWC 1-3 and pass the online exam. Students can enroll in the full live program or stream individual course videos at their own pace. CoCs are provided for individual course completion. Full program certification is available.
Ayurveda Immersion Program
Instruction: 30 hrs per course module, 540 hrs for the entire program
Requirements: Complete any course module AWC 1-18 and pass the online exam. CoCs are available for individual course drop-ins. Full enrollment is required for program certification and qualification for the Clinical Supervision Program.
Clinical Supervision Program
Instruction: 170 hrs
Requirements: Complete modules AWC 22-27, with at least 30 Patient Encounter credits and required group and individual supervision. Full enrollment in this program is required for certification.
Ayurveda Wellness Counselor (AWC)
AWC Certification Requirements
For AWC certification, students are required to take all modules with a passing grade on online exams. AWC recognition requires completion of the Clinical Supervision Program.
Instruction: Up to 822 hrs (Foundation, Immersion, and Clinical Supervision Programs or equivalent)
Requirements: Complete modules AWC 1-24 or equivalent from an approved program.
Graduates of the Ayurveda Foundation Program, Ayurveda Immersion Program, and Clinical Supervision Program receive the certified Ayurveda Wellness Counselor (AWC) title. AWC titles are offered to those who meet the Sevanti Institute AWC Full Certification requirements.