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Marma & Ayurveda Bodywork Program

with Seva Van Why


The Marma & Ayurveda Bodywork Program is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the principles and techniques of Ayurvedic body therapies and the therapeutic use of Marma points. Whether you are a professional massage therapist or want to use these skills at home, you are welcome. The course is structured to progress from a foundation level to an immersion level, culminating in two in-person training session options for certification. As participants progress, they will delve deeper into the physical applications of Ayurvedic body therapies and learn about the therapeutic manipulation of Marma points. The program culminates in a live training session, allowing participants to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting under the guidance of experienced instructors. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, equipping them with a new skill set that is now in high demand.

Register for Full Program | $3300

– Or Purchase Separately –

Foundation Program

Sep 21-22, 2024
Instruction Time: 10-hrs
Location: Live Online
Tuition: $195

Register for Foundation

Immersion Program

Oct 5-6 & Nov 9-10, 2024
Instruction Time: 24-hrs
Location: Live Online
Tuition: $425

Register for Immersion

Bodywork Certification

Mar 27-30, 2025
Instruction Time: 40-hrs
Location: Knoxville, IL
Tuition: $1495

Register for Certification

Marma Certification

Apr 3-6, 2025
Instruction Time: 40-hrs
Location: Knoxville, IL
Tuition: $1495

Register for Certification

Program Instructor

Seva Van Why, HHP, LMT, AP, E-RYT, has been a passionate and perpetual Ayurveda and higher learning student for 25 years. She runs a successful Ayurvedic Lifestyle consulting practice involving Ayurvedic Body Therapies as her special niche. Now a retired midwife, Seva shares her passions as a holistic educator, Ayurvedic Body Therapy instructor, and author of three books. She has held staff positions at The Chopra Center, Optimum Health Institute, and California College of Ayurveda and is currently the Director of Continuing Education and Certification with NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association).

These courses are approved for LMT Continued Education by NCBTMB.

A 3-Tired Approach to Bodywork Education

The Marma & Ayurveda Bodywork Program offers a three-tiered approach to bodywork education so that students of all interest levels may benefit from it. Take just the Foundation course or all three.

Tier 1: Start Here

Foundation Program | Ayurveda Bodywork & Marma Therapies

The Foundation Program provides the principles and theories for the entire program. Whether you want to dip your toes into the vast sea of Ayurvedic Bodywork or if you want to set sail, this foundation course will lay a foundation for what follows. Learn the fundamental theories of Ayurvedic Bodywork and the profound therapeutic effects they impart, not only to our clients but also to cultivate a self-care routine and become empowered with the wisdom of prevention.

Register For Foundation Program

Course Details

  • Dates: September 21-22, 2024
  • Daily Schedule: 9 am – 3 pm CST (lunch 12 pm – 1 pm CST)
  • Instruction Time: 10-hrs
  • Location: Live Online
  • Tuition: $195

Topics Covered

  • Basic introduction to the theory of the Ayurvedic Bodywork
  • Basic introduction to the theory of Marma Therapy
  • Treatments as Ayurvedic “Prescriptions”
  • Treatments as “Self Care/Prevention”
  • What makes a treatment “Ayurvedic”?

Techniques: Basic Introduction

  • Abhyanga
  • Shirodhara
  • Swedana
  • Garshana
  • Marma Therapy

Tier 2: Go Deeper

Immersion Program | Ayurveda Bodywork & Marma Therapies

The Immersion Program takes a deeper dive into the ancient healing art of Ayurvedic Body therapies. It gains the necessary discernment to know the when, why, and how of recommending and customizing a treatment. Gain insight into the energetics of the oils, how to use aromatherapy to balance the doshas, why understanding ayurvedic and energetic anatomy is essential for customization, and a contextual understanding of each therapy and how to modify it for a day spa or a clinical setting. The Immersion programs prepare you for the live in-person training to learn the hands-on techniques of Ayurvedic Bodywork & Marma Therapy.

Register for Immersion Program

Course Details

  • Dates: October 5-6 & November 9-10, 2024
  • Daily Schedule: 9 am – 4 pm CST (lunch 12 pm – 1 pm CST)
  • Instruction Time: 24-hrs
  • Location: Live Online
  • Tuition: $425

Topics Covered

  • Oils of Ayurveda

  • Oil Energetics & Qualities

  • Ayurvedic Aromatherapy

  • Ayurvedic Anatomy – Srotamsi (channels)

  • Energetic Anatomy – Koshas, Nadis, Chakras

  • Understanding Prakruti/Vikruti (Balance vs Imbalance)

  • 20 Gunas – Science of Opposites

  • Indications/Contraindications

  • What therapies are appropriate for Day spa vs Clinical

  • Different Strokes for Different Folks

Techniques: Deeper Dive

  • Abhyanga
  • Shirodhara
  • Swedana
  • Pinda Swedana
  • Garshana
  • Ubtan
  • Dough/Chakra Basti
  • Lepas
  • Marma Therapy
  • Nasyam

Certification Training

The Marma & Ayurveda Bodywork Program offers two in-person certification training with Seva Van Why.

Tier 3: Certification #1

Ayurveda Bodywork Technician – Certification Training | Live In-person

The Ayurveda Bodywork Technician (ABT) Certification course offers 40 hours of hands-on and in-person instruction. In-person training is necessary to begin practicing as an Ayurvedic bodywork professional and to learn intelligently designed protocols for treating the physical and energetic body.

Learn the ancient techniques and therapies that will transform your approach to bodywork. This in-person certification program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to become a Certified Ayurveda Bodywork Technician, preparing you for a day spa setting or to work in a clinic with an Ayurveda Practitioner or Doctor performing Pancha Karma. In-person training is crucial to be sure you are mastering the techniques and skills that can only be taught in person. This certification will set you up for success to add services to your practice.

Register for ABT Certification

Course Details

  • Dates: March 27-30, 2025
  • Daily Schedule: 9 am – 6 pm CST (lunch 12 pm – 1 pm CST)
  • Instruction Time: 40-hrs
  • Location: Knoxville, IL
  • Purchase full program: Includes 2 text manuals ($60)
  • Tuition: $1495 (Save $150 with purchase of full program)

Topics Covered

  • 40 Hrs of Live Hands-On Instruction and protocols for giving:
  • Full Body Abhyanga
  • Shirodhara & Champi (Head Massage)
  • Swedana
  • Garshana
  • Dough Basti/Chakra Basti
  • Basic Marma Integration

Bodywork Techniques Taught | Hands-on

  • Abhyanga
  • Shirodhara
  • Swedana
  • Pinda Swedana
  • Garshana
  • Ubtan
  • Dough/Chakra Basti
  • Lepas
  • Nasyam

Tier 3: Certification #2

Marma Therapist – Certification Training | Live In-person

The Marma Therapist Certification course offers 40 hours of hands-on and in-person instruction. In-person training is necessary to begin practicing as a Marma Therapist and to learn intelligently designed protocols for treating the physical and energetic body.

In this in-person training, we will learn the classical sequence for performing a Marma Abhyanga. We will also learn the anatomical point location of the Marma points, different protocols, and how to work with tuning forks, guasha, moxibustion, cupping, and essential oils as stimulation techniques. We will also learn the art of Pranic Healing (similar to Reiki) as an energetic technique to enhance the therapeutic value of your sessions.

Register for Marma Therapist Certification

Course Details

  • Dates: April 3-6, 2025
  • Daily Schedule: 9 am – 6 pm CST (lunch 12 pm – 1 pm CST)
  • Instruction Time: 40-hrs
  • Location: Knoxville, IL
  • Purchase full program: Includes 2 text manuals ($60)
  • Tuition: $1495 (Save $150 with purchase of full program)

Topics Covered

  • Hands-on Anatomical Point Location
  • Whole Body Client Protocols
  • Whole Body Self-Care Protocols
  • AyurYoga – Marma Yoga
  • Pranic Healing Integration
  • Sound Healing Integration
  • Color Therapy Integration
  • Gemstone Integration
  • Hand Sensitizing Exercises
  • Marma Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • Designing Protocols
  • Marketing Marma Therapy

Marma Techniques Taught | Hands-on

  • Marma Abhyanga
  • Guasha
  • Rollers
  • Kansa Wand
  • Tuning Forks
  • Moxibustion

Daily Schedule

Foundation Program: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm CST with a lunch break from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST.

Immersion Program: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CST with a lunch break from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST.

Certification Programs: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm CST with a lunch break from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST, a pre-class yoga practice from 7:00 am – 8:00 am, and breakfast from 8:00 am – 9:00 am.

Be aware of your local time zone differences. The daily schedules are quite disciplined; however, we make every effort to create space for self-care. Do your best to commit to a home yoga practice or other exercises before the online training. When prana flows, the mind is free to receive wisdom.

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